Welcome to Lemos-Abranches Lab
Explore the lab’s research foci, learn about current lab members, achievements and more.
research Questions
Lemos-Abranches lab
Stress tolerance
Does ability to tolerance stress play a role in virulence and pathogenicity?
Metal transport
Metals are critical micronutrients but their cellular levels must be carefully regulated to avoid toxicity. What role does metal acquisition play in host-pathogen interactions and in overall virulence?
Regulatory nucleotides
What are the global impacts of nucleotide signaling molecules in the context of virulence and host-pathogen interactions?
Surface glycoproteins
How does glycosylation of surface-expressed proteins impact virulence and pathogenesis?
About Dr. lemos and dr. abranches
Associate Professor
Jose Lemos, Ph.D.
Dr. José A. Lemos obtained his Ph.D. in Microbiology and Immunology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and started his academic career as a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Oral Biology at the University of Florida. After a stint at the University of Rochester that began in 2007, he returned to the University of Florida in 2015.

Associate Professor
Jacqueline Abranches, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Dr. Jacqueline Abranches obtained her M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Microbiology and Immunology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, and completed her post-doctoral training at University of Rochester and University of Florida. Along with Dr. Lemos, she established the Lemos-Abranches Research Group while at Rochester. In 2015, the Lemos-Abranches research group relocated to the University of Florida.

Laboratory Announcements
Coming September 2, 2020
UF’s COVID-19 Research and You Webinar
Researchers at UF have been working around the clock to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn what UF researchers are doing and how that research could ultimately help our community.

annual meetings
Biofilm Science and Technology Meetings
Partnership with the Center for Biofilm Engineering at Montana State University offers direct access to emerging advances in biofilm science and technology, which are showcased every year through several meetings.

UF health
Screen, Test & Protect
The Screen, Test & Protect initiative uses public health guidance and best practices aimed at fostering a culture of care for our community while taking steps to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 as the University of Florida gradually returns faculty, staff and students to the campus environment.

University of Florida
University of Florida’s Plan Forward
Find information about the University of Florida’s plan forward amid the global coronavirus pandemic.